In a recent interview with Trevor Jones we were curious what project or task presents the greatest challenge to TJones. Here is his entire answer:
In case you missed it: here’s the transcript:
An Interview With Trevor Jones – Tell Us About The Most Challenging Project You Have Had? –
I don’t think any particular project has been overly challenging. I think what’s been challenging is it’s getting more and more difficult to get permits out of all the cities. But Vancouver has become very difficult. The time that used to be a few weeks; now can take a few years! There is no real way of getting around it. Other than being well organized. Providing some background, so when the people meet with you at the City and you can tell them, you know: “you’ve done it like this before” or; “here’s how we’ve dealt with it in the past.” And we’ve been successful, and they’ve listened, and I think that has helped in getting some of the projects approved.
TJones Enterprises.
— End Transcript —
In our last video we learned about what the TJonesGroup did for the downtown Seattle community. In our next video we learn how Trevor and Cameron guide their clients through the treacherous luxury home development process.