In a recent interview with Trevor Jones – Owner of TJones Group and well known Luxury Home Building in Shaughnessy BC (Vancouver’s most exclusive neighbourhood) – we were curious to learn what Trevor – a seasoned Vancouver Luxury Home Developer – thinks about the future of the Vancouver Real Estate Market? Here is Trevor’s entire answer:
In case you missed it, here’s the transcript:
What do You Think Is the Future of Vancouver Real Estate?
“Well you know there’s no doubt that Vancouver is one of the nicest places in the world to live. All kinds of different ratings agencies, National Geographic and many other agencies: it’s always in the top 5 cities in the world to live. We’ve travelled quite a bit and been to many cities and I think they’re right it’s pretty hard to beat. I feel that the trend which is right now well established, will continue because, again it’s such a wonderful place to live. So I think that people are still going to want to relocate to Vancouver and it’s just, the city is just going to expand. Vancouver is a very cosmopolitan city. It’s kind of interesting but, in different rating agencies for food, believe it or not, they said the best Chinese Food in the world is in Vancouver. Because quite frankly we get a lot of Entrepreneurial Chinese. They come here, they want to open a business. They do business over food, and they end up opening more Chinese restaurants. So there’s quite a few of them. And theres’ a lot of very VERY good Chinese food restaurants. And of course there’s all kind of other ethnic restaurants in Vancouver, and I don’t know of anything you probably can’t get. But it’s just a wonderful place to be. For Canada it’s definitely the best climate. So people want to be here. It’s a stable economy, stable government pretty hard to beat, and very safe.”
— End Transcript —
In our last video we learned whether the Jones Family has always focused on the Vancouver Shaughnessy neighbourhood. In our next video Trevor reveals his thoughts on the why he loves living in Vancouver BC..